Friday, January 13, 2017

PE Reflection, and thank you everyone!


Wow so it's almost the end of my first Japanese semester! It's been a fun ride, and I tried a lot of different activities to improve my pronunciation. What I have accomplished:

1/ Went to Japanese table at least once every two weeks! Yay!
2/ Went to sensei's OH to practice speaking at least once every two weeks!
3/ Watched anime at least once a week (not as much as I had hoped since it's been a crazy semester...)

I was not able to practice Japanese at all over winter break since I barely had access to the Internet, but but but I will make up for all I missed once I'm done with finals!

And I would like to thank those who have read and/or commented on my blog. I'm sorry if I have not responded to your comments yet, but I promise it's because of schoolwork, and I will definitely respond by the end of this month! Thank you again for being so patient with me. ありがとうございました。
